55 Status Pages

Status pages are another way to gain support insight. Status pages are single-page sites that display the different statuses of an online system that you may interact with. Typically a status page offers a subscription option where you can subscribe and be notified any time that there is an outage. Here are a few popular ones that you may refer to during your time at Trine University:

OpenLMS Status – OpenLMS is the hosting provider that we use to host our Moodle Learning Management System.


IT Support Portal – This is our internal IT support ticket system. If you suspect that Moodle is having an outage or any Trine-related system is experiencing an outage, this would be the best place to check as we would likely post an announcement.


Turnitin – Turnitin is a plagiarism detection software embedded within our Moodle LMS.


Zoom – Both Zoom and Microsoft Teams are currently used for video conferencing.


Respondus – Respondus is a company that provides our Moodle-integrated test proctoring software. This is known as Respondus LockDown Browser + Monitor.


Panopto – This is Trine’s video recording and lecture capture solution integrated within Trine’s Moodle LMS.


Miscellaneous Publishers – Many publishers offer an LTI tool that can be created in Moodle. If you use a publisher-integrated LTI, you may benefit from subscribing to their status page as when publishers encounter technical issues, there is very little that our IT team can do as we do not have access to the admin side of their settings. Here are a few of the most common publishers we have integrated within our Moodle:

McGraw Hill


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Moodle Faculty Certification Course by Tyler Graham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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