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Moodle Faculty Certification Course (MFCC)
Tyler Graham
1. Module 1 - Introduction
2. Communicating with Students
3. Scheduling Timed Announcements
4. Course Questions and Moodle Messaging
5. Managing Moodle Notifications
6. Trine University Email Address
7. Module 1 - Check Your Understanding
8. Module 2 - Introduction
9. Types of Discussion Forums
10. Audio in Forums
11. Video in Forums
12. Whole Forum vs. Rating Grading Methods
13. Module 2 - Check Your Understanding
14. Module 3 - Introduction
15. Adding & Configuring Settings
16. Viewing the Originality / Similarity Report
17. Other Activities & Turnitin
18. Module 3 - Check Your Understanding
19. Module 4 - Introduction
20. Getting Signed In
21. Installation & Recording with Windows
22. Other Recording Options
23. Panopto LTI (Resource for Students)
24. Panopto Student Submission (Assignments for Students)
25. Optional Resources
26. Module 4 - Check Your Understanding
27. Module 5 - Introduction
28. Grading in Gradebook Views
29. Feedback in Gradebook Single View
30. Assignments
31. Feedback in Assignments
32. Forums
33. Feedback in Forums
34. Turnitin
35. Feedback in Turnitin
36. Panopto
37. Feedback in Panopto
38. Quizzes
39. Feedback in Quizzes
40. Module 5 - Check Your Understanding
41. Module 6 - Introduction
42. Grades Menu
43. Grader Report
44. Gradebook Setup
45. Aggregation Methods
46. Categories & Syllabi Alignment
47. Course Grade Settings
48. Module 6 - Check Your Understanding
49. Module 7 - Introduction
50. MoodleDocs
51. YouTube
52. IT Support Portal
53. 1:1 Training
54. Panopto Support
55. Status Pages
56. Module 7 - Check Your Understanding
Module 7 covers all types of resources offered by both Trine University and Moodle Headquarters (HQ).
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Moodle Faculty Certification Course by Tyler Graham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.