5 Managing Moodle Notifications

Aside from the forced subscription option offered in the discussion forums, most notifications are customizable on the individual user level to meet your preferences. You can access the notifications menu by selecting the silhouette bell icon to the left of your profile picture near the top right-hand corner of Moodle:

Silhouette bell icon that controls notification settings.

When you open this bell menu, select the corresponding gear/cog icon to fully customize how you receive notifications.

A video walk-through is available to explain this below if you would prefer that medium. Please note, the video is from a different institution and Moodle version. The view may be a little different, but most of the action steps to customize your notifications are the same. Please disregard the mobile column that he discusses as we do not currently have this available in our Moodle instance:



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Moodle Faculty Certification Course by Tyler Graham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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