31 Feedback in Assignments

In the Assignment grading interface, there are sections for Feedback comments as well as Feedback files.

Textbox that allows for you to upload feedback comments. File submission area that allows for you to upload feedback files

Either of these are viable options if you would like to provide written feedback or if you would like to attach a marked-up file with additional feedback.

If you wish you leave voice or video feedback, you will want to refer to the Feedback Comments box and you will want to select the Advanced Options arrow to expand the menu:

Atto editor toolbar advanced options button.

Once you expand the advanced options, you can choose between:
1) Voice feedback (limit of 2 minutes)

Atto editor toolbar insert audio button.

2) Video feedback (limit of 2 minutes)

Atto editor toolbar insert video button.


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Moodle Faculty Certification Course by Tyler Graham is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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