General Brass Techniques and Pedagogies

Prelude: Introduction to Brass Techniques and Pedagogy
A brief explanation of how to use this book.
A Brief History of Brass Instruments
Brass instruments have a millennia old tradition and history.
Getting Started with Posture, Breathing, and Embouchure
Before picking up the instrument, it is critical to have fundamentals of the body in place.
Tone Production Fundamentals on the Mouthpiece
The mouthpiece serves as the starting point for good brass technique and tone.
Brass Acoustics
Understanding how brass instruments function helps us to understand how to play and teach them.
Tone Production Fundamentals on Brass Instruments
Brass instruments have a shared set of fundamentals that dictate effective tone production and instruction.
Pitch and Intonation
Pitch control is a constant demand for brass players.
Articulation on Brass Instruments
While each instrument has its own idiosyncrasies, the fundamentals of articulation transfer across instruments.
Instrument Care
With proper care and maintenance, brass instruments can serve the musicians for decades.
Advanced Techniques
As music educators, students will approach you with questions about techniques that you may not be able to perform as novice brass players.