40 Playing tests
Rotation #1
The first rotation playing test should include the following elements (All exercises and pieces can be found in the Practice Materials of Brass Techniques and Pedagogy):
1. 1 key from Dexterity Exercise #1
2. 1 key from Dexterity Exercise #2
3. One piece from “Performance Pieces”
4. Written or video self-critique of your performance
Scoring rubric
10 points Pitch/Rhythm/Technique Accuracy in Dexterity Exercise #1
10 points Pitch/Rhythm/Technique Accuracy in Dexterity Exercise #2
10 points Performance Piece
10 points Tone and fundamentals
Videos should be uploaded to a personal YouTube/Vimeo account. Please make sure to set your video as unlisted (only able to be shared by those who have the link) or public (anyone can search for your video online).
If you have divided this into multiple videos, post the links for your additional videos in the comments.
Rotation #2
The second rotation playing test should include the following elements (All exercises and pieces can be found in the Practice Materials of Brass Techniques and Pedagogy):
1. 1 key from both Dexterity Exercise #1 or #2 (cannot be in Bb Concert) utilizing differing articulations
3. One piece from “Performance Pieces” that is different from the one in Rotation #1
4. Written or video self-critique of your performance
Scoring rubric
15 points Pitch/Rhythm/Technique Accuracy in Dexterity Exercise
15 points Performance Piece
10 points Tone and fundamentals
Rotation #3
The third rotation playing test should include the following elements (All exercises and pieces can be found in the Practice Materials of Brass Techniques and Pedagogy):
1. 1 key from Dexterity Exercise #1
2.1 key (different from Exercise #1) from Dexterity Exercise #2
3. One piece from your method book of your choice that demonstrates your ability to play with technical accuracy and musicality. It should cover a range of no less than a perfect fifth. (Note in the comments which method book and exercise you are playing)
4. Written or video self-critique of your performance
Scoring rubric
10 points Pitch/Rhythm/Technique Accuracy in Dexterity Exercise #1
10 points Pitch/Rhythm/Technique Accuracy in Dexterity Exercise #2
10 points Performance Piece
10 points Tone and fundamentals
Rotation #4
The fourth rotation playing test should be your beginner composition.
Following your video, complete Written or video self-critique.
Scoring rubric
20 points Performance Piece accuracy and
20 points Tone and fundamentals
Playing Test Self-Critique
View your video for Playing test Rotation #1 and respond as you would if this video were submitted to you by a student. Your feedback should be specific and critical. Every self-critique should include both positive and constructive–every performance has strengths (growth counts as a strength) and weaknesses. Your review should include, at minimum, the following elements:
1. At least one response to each of the pieces in the playing test
2. At least one positive observation
3. At least one constructive improvement observation
4. At least one recommendation for specific practice approaches to be taken to allow for improvement
Grading rubric
8 points Inclusion of each of the points listed above
2 points Overall tone and presentation that is professional and supportive of learning