72. The Good Zeal That Monks Must Have
1 Just as there is an evil zeal of bitterness which separates from God and leads to hell, 2 so there is a good zeal which separates from evil ways and leads to God and everlasting life.
3 Let monks, therefore, practice this zeal with the warmest love.
4 That is, let them “strive to be the first to show each other honor” (Rom 12:10).
5 Let them bear most patiently with one another’s weaknesses, whether of body or of character.
6 Let them devote themselves to the rivalry of obedience to one another.
7 No one should follow what he judges useful for himself, but what is better for the other.
8 Let them devote themselves to the chaste love of the brothers.
9 In love let them fear God.
10 Let them love their abbot with a sincere and humble love.
11 Let them prefer nothing whatever to Christ, 12 and may he bring us all alike to everlasting life.