Book Title: The Rule of Benedict
Subtitle: The Saint Meinrad Translation with an Introduction

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Book Description: For 1,500 years, the Rule of St. Benedict has guided not only monastic communities of men and women but also individuals and groups in the search for God together. This translation remains close to the Latin as addressed to the original audience and context. An introduction sets the translation in its historical context and discusses its major themes of prudence, humility, and love.
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Book Description
For 1,500 years, the Rule of St. Benedict has guided not only monastic communities of men and women but also individuals and groups in the search for God together. Benedict balances the importance of the common good with attention to the individual. Many have admired his good sense, prudence, and humanity. He calls for people to reach beyond what they think is possible, but also allows for people’s limitations. This translation remains close to the Latin as addressed to the original audience and context. As such, it recognizes the distance between the world of the text and our world, and it invites us to discover a relationship between An introduction sets the translation in its historical context and discusses its major themes of prudence, humility, and love.
The Rule of Benedict by Saint Meinrad Archabbey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Religious communities and monasticism