Book Title: Elements of Biblical Poetry
Subtitle: An Introduction to Its Craft, Language, and Genres

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Book Description: An introduction to the craft, language, and genres of biblical poetry seen in the English text of the psalms, wisdom literature, and the prophets.
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Book Description
This book introduces the reader to the craft, language, and genres of biblical poetry seen in the English texts of the psalms, wisdom literature, and the prophets. After an initial chapter on basic concepts, the book divides into three parts: craft, language, and genres.
Part One discusses the craft used to construct biblical poetry. Its chapters discuss the idea of biblical poetry, repetition, word pairs, and parallel lines, both similar and sequential.
Part Two explores the literal and non-literal language of ordinary speech used in poetry. It covers literal language metonymy, metaphor, irony, over- and understatement, multiplicity or ambiguity with a note on the Hebrew and Greek languages.
Part Three examines the types of literature and their construction so that readers can recognize the genre’s tradition and also the way a poem differs from that tradition. This section includes lyric, hymns of praise and thanksgiving, (implied) narrative, prayer psalms (laments), proverbs, wisdom instructions, call narrative, judgment and salvation oracles.
The last chapter deals with questions of finding meaning. Each chapter ends with exercises. A glossary, scripture references, and a selected bibliography follow.
Elements of Biblical Poetry by Saint Meinrad Archabbey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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