Finding the Perfect Video: Teaching with Accessible Videos

Videos are a very attractive form of education for many, but there are some important components to consider when assigning videos in a course.

  • Is the content engaging? Videos are excellent for education when the content is engaging and relevant. If not, students may skip right over it.
  • Is it accessible? Consider whether your videos have transcripts or closed captions. If they do not, it may be hard for those with different learning styles or potential impairments to appreciate the content the way it was intended.
  • Is it the right length? Videos that are longer than 15-20 minutes are not recommended for use in classes. There may be exceptions to that rule, but overall it should be avoided. Consider an hour long seminar; how long before someone starts doodling? Looks at their phone? Falls asleep? Breaking up the content in manageable chunks just makes sense.

Select the blue hotspots below to learn more about the 3R’s of videos.


Video learning is a very popular style for learners of all ages. Want to learn accounting? YouTube it. Want to learn how to crochet? There’s a video for that. And for some, that’s the best (and maybe the only) way they will learn. Please view the following video from John Green (18:01): The Nerd’s Guide to Learning Everything Online.


Green, J. (2012, November). The nerd’s guide to learning everything online [Video]. TEDTalk.

National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (n.d.) Teaching with accessible videos. OER Commons.


Updated: January 2024


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Open Engagement by Andrea Bearman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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