3 Consent in the Classroom, Building Brave Spaces, and Engaging in Care in the Open


This chapter discusses the importance of building an open pedagogy experience that makes space for being brave and centers consent and care in the classroom.


Read Thinking with Consent in the Digital Classroom by Molly De Blanc and Kit Heintzman (10:14 minutes).






Reflection Questions

  1. How can I model moving through discomfort in an academic/scholarly setting for my students?
  2. What examples can I share with students of engaging bravely?
  3. How can I center student consent in my classroom?
  4. Is there a pillar from the 6 Pillars of a Brave Space that stood out to me? What drew me to it and how might I incorporate it in my classroom?



Further Resources

6 Pillars of a Brave Space – the 6 pillars of a brave space provide a framework for classroom environment that acknowledges the challenges that both students and faculty have when attempting to have discussion around difficult and/or sensitive topics.

Care in the Open (OpenEd21) – a presentation (21:39 minutes) where Caroline Sinkinson and Merinda McLure present on the Care in the Open Framework.

Care in the Open Framework – a framework for centering care ethics in OER.

Student Collaborations – a chapter on collaborating with students to create OER from the UBC Open Text Publishing Guide .

Student Selection of Content Licenses in OER-enabled Pedagogy by Katherine Williams and Eric Werth – an article that features student perspectives on creating OER and making licensing decisions.

Student Authoring Agreement / MOU / FERPA Waiver Examples

Example of FERPA Waiver – At OpenTexas22, Clint Peinhardt from UTDallas shared an example of the FERPA waiver he uses with his students.

Memorandum of Understanding for Student & Faculty Partnerships Template [Word] – an example of an MOU from the University of British Columbia.

Student Agreement Form Example – an example of a Student Agreement Project Form from the University of Washington.



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Open Pedagogy Learning Guide by PALSave: PALNI Affordable Learning Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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