Book Title: Elements of Biblical Narrative
Subtitle: A Brief Introduction with an Analysis of the Red Sea Story

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Book Description: This brief introduction (12,000 words) surveys the basic elements of narrative found in the Bible and uses the Red Sea Story (Exod 13:17–14:31) for its examples. The monograph concludes with an analysis of that story to show how the pieces work together to create the power of narrative.
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Book Description
This brief introduction (12,000 words) presents the elements of biblical narrative and uses the Red Sea Story (Exod 13:17-14:31) for its examples. These elements include the following: tension and resolution, thematic and realistic narrative; author, narrator, and world view; narrative time and space, flat and round characters, basic plots, especially the battle narrative along with repetition, sequence, retardation, and gaps. The essay concludes with an analysis of the Red Sea Story to show how these elements work together to create the power of a story.
Elements of Biblical Narrative by Harry Hagan, OSB, © Saint Meinrad Archabbey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Criticism and exegesis of sacred texts