There are different ways to cite OER resources, including APA, MLA, and Chicago. Creative Commons also provides its method, called attribution statements, which are formed using the TASL method.
Below are slides that show examples of APA, MLA, and Chicago-style OER citations. APA has a recommended format, which includes the retrieval date and a link to the resource. Both MLA and Chicago styles recommend formatting the citation the same as usual (such as a book) but adding the license to the end of the citation.
Meanwhile, Creative Commons recommends the TASL format, which includes
- Title of the resource,
- Author,
- Source link, and
- License information.
Links to the resource, author profile information and the Creative Commons license information should be linked in the attribution statement. Here is an example attribution statement for an image: “Happiness Statistics” by Andrew Tarvin is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
You can use the navigation arrows below the slides to review examples each of the ways to cite OER resources.
Applied Assessment #1: Build An Attribution Statement
Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to give you an opportunity to experience building an attributions statement while also openly licensing a work. To complete this assessment, you may need the Creative Commons License Chooser. This tool, provided by Creative Commons, asks a few questions regarding your preferences and then makes a recommendation for which license to use.
- Using your phone or another personal device, take a new picture somewhere in the vicinity. Please do not include people in your picture.
- Craft a Creative Commons TASL statement for your picture; use the license chooser (as needed) to identify which license you’d like to apply to your picture.
- Submit your attribution statement and image to this Padlet: Create a TASL Statement