41. The Time When the Brothers Are to Take Their Meals

From Holy Easter until Pentecost, the brothers will eat at midday and take their supper in the evening. Then, from Pentecost and throughout the whole summer, let the monks fast until the ninth hour on Wednesdays and Fridays, unless they have work in the fields or the summer’s heat is too much.

On other days, let them take their main meal at midday. If they have work in the field or the summer’s heat is too much, the abbot, as he sees fit, may keep the main meal at midday. In general, let him temper and arrange all things in such a way that souls may be saved and that what the brothers do, they may do without justified murmuring.

From the ides of September, that is, the thirteenth day, until the beginning of Lent, let the brothers always take their meal in the middle of the afternoon. During Lent, however, until Easter, let them take their meal in the evening. Yet, this evening meal should be done in such a way that they will not need lamplight while they eat; rather, everything should be finished while there is still daylight. Indeed, at all times, let the hour, whether for supper or for the one meal, be regulated in a such way that everything may be done by daylight.


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